Books are such an essential part of our family. I get up and read for about an hour before the kids get up in the mornings, we read aloud for Morning Basket, we read throughout our lessons, we read aloud during tea time, we read aloud before bed, and I read for pleasure before I go to bed. You could say our days are bookended by…well…books!

Charlotte Mason said that children should read aloud “to accustom him to the delicate rendering of shades of meaning, and especially to make him aware that words are beautiful in themselves, that they are a source of pleasure, and are worthy of honour; and that a beautiful word deserves to

be beautifully said, with a certain roundness of tone and precision of utterance” (Home Education, p. 227; emphasis added). She was speaking specifically of reading poetry aloud here, but isn’t that quote just perfect for all types of genres?

Books have been incredibly impactful in my life. So much so, in fact, that a book I once read led to me moving to South Sudan and changing the entire trajectory of my life. One of my biggest hopes is that in sharing the lists of books we love to read in our house – across ages, stages, and genres – your family’s life will also be transformed by the stories you find within their pages.

(P.s. This page contains affiliate links for your convenience. I only share things that I truly love and think that you will, too. I earn a small commission when you click these links to purchase, which helps support my blog so I can keep writing encouraging posts to share with you. You will never pay more by using an affiliate link. See the full disclaimer here.)


Some of these books are fiction, some are nonfiction. But all are absolutely worth reading!

Please note: Some of the books listed below do include adult content, but I included them because of their perspectives on historical time periods/events. Please use your own wisdom and discretion about what types of content you’re comfortable reading.