Wow, I cannot believe that in just over 3 months I will be flying to Houston to begin the craziest adventure in my life thus far!

These past few months have already taught me a lot about having faith in the Lord and following Him anywhere He leads me. Last night, I read my devotional with a verse from Luke 14:27 which reads,

“Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.”

That’s pretty straightforward. I will be the first to admit that I am flawed…and there are so many ways that I should be a better Christian; however, I feel that I am quickly learning what it means to serve “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40), and I have truly found a calling in serving God by serving the disabled, serving the homeless, and [soon] serving the Sudanese. In addition to the verse, my devo talks about what it means to carry our cross “In Deed”. There are a few quotes from it that I would like to share because it speaks directly to why I will be going to Sudan this summer. This is from The One Year at HIS Feet Devotional by Chris Tiegreen…

First, the reading says that for the most part, “We risk compromising God’s mission for the path of least resistance. We’re not willing to pay the price of impacting the world.”

It also says, “[The life of discipleship] is not about protecting ourselves; it is about signing up for the war.”

Last, and my favorite, “Imagine standing before the throne of our Protector one day and telling Him, ‘Sorry, Lord, I would have done Your will, but it wasn’t safe.’

I LOVE that last line!! There are two specific reasons why I have chosen to share this with you today. First, my husband was recently laid off from his work and life is about to get challenging in a new way. There has been some criticism about me continuing on with my plans to spend the $4850 on a trip when I could pay bills with that money. Yes, that’s true (and my logic-oriented brain considered that fact), but I absolutely CANNOT not go on this trip!! I have been blessed with the opportunity to really go out into the world and serve. I can’t pass that up! Second, there has been a lot of fear running rampant throughout my family because everyone is scared for my safety. To that end, I refer you to the line…”Sorry, Lord, I would have done Your will, but it wasn’t safe.” I do not want to be that person!

I am learning quickly lessons about faith. I have faith that this trip will be amazing. I have faith that the Lord will protect us in our travels and while in Sudan. I have faith that God will provide for my husband and I during this time, and provide funding for this trip.

My question for you today is this: what are you not doing for God because you are uncomfortable, scared, or don’t want to make a sacrifice and what are you going to do about it?

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